Tuesday 28. November 2023 at 08:30 to Wednesday 29. November 2023 at 16:00
Sunday 26. November 2023 at 21:00
Hotel Best Western, Vilnius, Lithuania,
Konstitucijos Avenue 14,
LT-09308 Vilnius, Lithuania
Hotel Best Western, Vilnius, Lithuania
Konstitucijos Avenue 14
LT-09308 Vilnius
The 2-day event, TestForum 2023, is the major event for Test professionals in the Nordic area and the Baltic states operating in production and development of electronics. It is the 23rd event in the series of yearly TestForum events.
Every year TestForum is attended by key people from the industry’s test community, by international vendors of test solutions and measurement equipment as well as many members of Academia.
In 2023, the event will take place at Best Western, Vilnius, Lithuania.
As in every year, the program is well balanced with professional contributions, a focused exhibition and highly useful networking opportunities. If you are a test professional in the electronics industry, TestForum 2023 may just be the event that can support and inspire you in your daily effort to improve the professionalism in test engineering.
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Phone: +45-40552100
Nordic Test Forum
Phone: +45-40552100